[tex-live] Re: tex4ht bugfix

Eitan Gurari gurari at cis.ohio-state.edu
Wed Feb 5 10:39:06 CET 2003

I wonder whether the files

      tex4ht.c               (dated 2003-02-05-01:43)
      tex4ht.env-unix        (tex4ht.in for unix)
      tex4ht.env-dos         (tex4ht.in for ms windows)



provide the desired support.

Why @imbindir@ is placed on convert, but not on dvips. As far as
tex4ht is concerned, the G-records are passed literally to a system
call function.

    system("dvips -mode ibmvga ....")
    system("@imbindir@\convert -crop 0x0 -density  ....")

Instead of having multiple environment files such as
tex4t-imagick-win32.env and tex4ht-netpbm-win32.env, a single
environment file similar to the following one may be used.

  % tex4t-win32.env 

Such a file allows selective loading of tagged segments, requested
through -c switches of t4ht.c.  For instance

    t4ht foo -cimagick -cwhatever  ...


> I'm still messed with tex4htk... In TL sources/TeX/tex4htk/tex4ht.in:
> t at texmf@\fonts\tfm\!
> t at texmf@\fonts\vf\!
> i at texmf@\tex4ht\ht-fonts\!
> and
> % dvi-to-gif
> Gdvips -mode ibmvga -D 110 -f %%1 -pp %%2  > tex4ht.ps
> % G at imbindir@\convert -crop 0x0 -density 110x110 -transparency "#FFFFFF" tex4ht.ps %%3
>                                                          =====!  
> which, after compilation, gives tex4ht.env:
> t/usr/TeX/texmf\fonts\tfm\!
> t/usr/TeX/texmf\fonts\vf\!
> i/usr/TeX/texmf\tex4ht\ht-fonts\!
>      =         =      =        = ?
> and conversion section goes as it is in tex4ht.in.
> I'm not so sure that tex4ht.env which *really* goes to the TL's texmf stuff
> can be sometimes broken because of the above things.
> 1. TL source should be corrected (preferably with the new sources from 
>    bugfixes/new4ht.zip)
> 2. tex4ht.env: the `i' and `t' lines should be also modifiable by the user,
>    as he can have tex4ht.env, e.g., in the working directory.
> 3. standard texht.env for TL can have picture making part which use convert
>    (I think so common on linux boxes), as well some variants like
>    tex4t-imagick-win32.env, tex4ht-netpbm-win32.env.

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