[tex-live] documentation / new pictures
Sebastian Rahtz
Tue, 14 May 2002 21:58:18 +0100
On Tue, May 14, 2002 at 09:40:40PM +0200, Volker RW Schaa wrote:
> % lines 472 ex4.tex
> % What about a for African??
ex4.tex changed
> % lines 681
> by double clicking on \path|setupw32/TeXLive.exe| on the \CD{} from the explorer
> % is -> \path|bin/win32/TeXLive.exe|
> % lines 986...
> \subsection{Notes on the Win32 support packages}
> % the whole paragraph is not adapted to the actual setting
> % it is planned to have a set with 2 CDROMs, so I changed (in
> % the german version) the table to show the contents
agreed, done in english
> %lines 1068..
> \path|c:\Program Files\TeXlive\texmf\tex\latex\maple\|\\
> and the documentation files in:\\
> \path|c:\Program Files\TeXlive\texmf\doc\latex\maple\|
> % I thought it should be: \path|c:\Program Files\TeXlive\texmf-local\...
> % otherwise it's gone after reinstalling... ^^^^^^
> %lines 1522..
> \item Windows 2000, written on an NT basis, with all the bells and
> whistles of Win98.
> % what about XP?
I dont know...
> contributors, and in 1997 he handed the baton to Olaf Weber. The latest
> result is \Webc{} Version 7.3, which was released in March 1999, and
> forms the basis of the present \TeXLive{} \CD{}. Our version has some
> updates, and identifies itself as
> % 7.3.7
> %lines 3045..
> \item Mimi Burbank, who arranged access at the
> at the Florida State University School of Computational Science
> %^^^^^^ twice: at the
> My setup Notebook FX505 with Windows XP
> Questions concerning TeXLive.exe
> what should happen when clicking
> "Install" -> "Enable Internet access" ?
Fabrice will tell us...
Sebastian Rahtz OUCS Information Manager
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431