[tex-live] New info on omega/Mac OS X problem. Baffles me completely.

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz@computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Mon, 3 Jun 2002 00:23:35 +0100

On Sun, Jun 02, 2002 at 11:29:38PM +0200, Gerben Wierda wrote:
> Now, I am completely baffled. Because what else does a TeX Live install 
> do except run /usr/bin/install and a strip? When I look at the result of 
> the TeX Live install and the install-by-hand I notice that the latter 
> produces an omega file that is 4 bytes shorter. How is this possible?
> So, to solve this riddle, I need to know what web2c install does that 
> might influence the outcome of an install.

it doesnt do a "strip", for one thing. 

what the TeXlive install does is get a list of files
and do something like

 tar cf - `cat $FILELIST` | (cd $newdir; tar xf - )

ie it tars and then untars the files. so the only thing I can
guess at is a strange behaviour of tar. can you try that by
hand and see if the size changes?

Sebastian Rahtz      OUCS Information Manager
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431