[tex-live] a bit of mess with unix binaries and man pages
Vladimir Volovich
Wed, 17 Apr 2002 20:51:27 +0400
"VV" == Vladimir Volovich writes:
VV> Norbert, please do not submit over and over again the file
VV> alpha-linux/text1 :-)
VV> I asked Sebastian to remove it once, and he did, but you
VV> submitted it again.
> sorry - previous time it was bin/i686-pc-linux-gnu/text1
> so something seems to be wrong with the build process -- why is the
> file text1 being generated/installed?
fmtutil.cnf in TeX Live contains commented lines:
# --- strange things
#!physe tex - physe.ini
#!text1 tex - text1.ini
#!phyzzx tex - phyzzx.ini
apparently, some of people building binaries have this line
uncommented. how/why that happened?