[tex-live] new image to test

Daniel Flipo Daniel.Flipo@univ-lille1.fr
Thu, 11 Apr 2002 10:27:15 +0200

Staszek Wawrykiewicz writes:

« Daniel Flipo:
« >> b) Something just for tex-langfrench: the collection tex-langfrench
« >>    requires the package 'aeguill' (good), but aeguill builds its
« >>    default guillemets for French from Polish fonts, which are not 
« >>    required by aeguill.tpm :-(

« SR> sigh. added plfonts and platex to tex-langfrench

« I do not think that French friends really need platex ;-)
« Daniel, please check if aeguill really needs platex, or only glyphs 
« form plfonts.

You are right Staszek, as I mentionned it in my previous message,
what _is_ required is:
a) Polish fonts:
b) the font definition file:
That's all.

Instead of adding these dependencies to tex-langfrench, I would
suggest to add them to aeguill.tpm for two reasons:
1) people adding the aeguill package with install-package.sh should get
   the Polish fonts too;
2) Fabrice provides a way, in fpTeX, to partially select a collection,
   I guess people using that feature for tex-langfrench will
   not see the point of adding Polish fonts for French and might 
   unselect them :-(

Daniel Flipo.