[tex-live] new image to test
Staszek Wawrykiewicz
Wed, 10 Apr 2002 05:56:14 +0200 (CEST)
As I've returned after driving 600km, just only some notes.
Daniel Flipo:
>> b) Something just for tex-langfrench: the collection tex-langfrench
>> requires the package 'aeguill' (good), but aeguill builds its
>> default guillemets for French from Polish fonts, which are not
>> required by aeguill.tpm :-(
SR> sigh. added plfonts and platex to tex-langfrench
I do not think that French friends really need platex ;-)
As seen as different format, it is just cleanest latex with only
Polish and USEnglish patterns (just to avoid some mess which goes to
Babel from time to time ;-). As seen as package (polski.sty is the main
part of platex) it is just a proper tool to use latex in Poland
together with plfonts or EC fonts.
Daniel, please check if aeguill really needs platex, or only glyphs
form plfonts.
SR> todays images is exactly 650 megabytes, so I hope Fabrice
SR> does not upload a new emacs which is much bigger....
I hope that new emacs will fit. I expect soon WinShell much smaller (only
1 file instead of 3 variants). On the other hand I expect some bytes
bigger tex4ht...
SR> I think we are now counting down to a deadline for Staszek
SR> to make some CDs for EuroTeX. Did he give us a very final date?
As I already wrote, having quite stable beta for EuroTeX would be nice.
My deadline is April, 27th. But I still see so many things to correct,
e.g. tldoc not updated...
Staszek Wawrykiewicz
email: staw@gust.org.pl