comments to TeXLive5, April 13, 2000
Sebastian Rahtz
Sun, 14 May 2000 18:33:41 +0100 (BST)
Jana Chlebikova writes:
> In the end of the instalation, the instalation script should
> add into variable PATH, the path for new binaries (or at least to write, how to do it
> or that it it suitable to do)
The install script says
"I will now create the filename database,
add $bindir to your PATH, and run
texconfig init
to initialize your system and create
format files. The log of this will be placed in
You should make sure that $bindir
is added to your PATH for future sessions."
I don't really see what else I can do. I certainly dont propose to try
and edit your .login/.profile/.bashrc/.cshrc/.kshrc file....
> When the instalation finished, the directory /usr/TeX/texmf-var/fonts
> has the following setting drwxr-xr-t.
> With this setting only root can do something and xdvi is sad:-)
I will correct that. its bad....