tex live 4 order?

Richard J. Kinch tex-live@tug.org
Wed, 31 Mar 1999 00:29:27 -0500 (EST)

> We're preparing for TeX Live 4.  Art and Patricia have mentioned that
> you might be interested in ordering a bunch to send to your customers.
> That would be great -- the only condition (due to the software on the
> CD) is that you can't sell it for anything more than cost, and it's
> better to just give it away free.  And the recipients can't sell it
> either, they have to give it away or keep it :).

In view of the TUGboat-style redistribution policy for TL4, I would like to
order a minimal quantity of 30 or so fresh copies (your minimum order?) that
we could use up quickly, and then do our own duplication thereafter.  We would
be including this free with our own product.  Hats off to you all for the
effort and bravo for the generous distribution policy.

Richard J. Kinch
Publisher, TrueTeX brand typesetting software.
See http://truetex.com