update from art
Mon, 29 Mar 1999 09:45:31 -0500
Art just called me back.
- Duane Bibby was supposed to send master artwork to Art in email. He
hadn't received it before he left. He hopes to check his email today.
Wendy: Art said you have been in touch with Bibby. Can you either
give me Bibby's email/phone or ask him yourself if he's sent the final
artwork off? And regardless, it would be great if he could send a
copy to Patricia.
- For determining which kind of jacket to get for the CD, he suggests
asking Pete Brown at Cadmus to see if his machines prefer a certain
kind. He said the price for the paper vs plastic ones was virtually
indistinguishable (didn't know the exact cost offhand, maybe 10-15
cents). I'm not sure who should ask Pete about this -- Dick?
If Cadmus doesn't care, then I suggest we get the all-plastic kind.
I liked those better :).
- Assuming Dante and the like come through with similar orders to last
year, we'll ordering in the neighborhood of 6000-7000 copies, which
may be enough more to inquire at the pressing place whether we can get
the price down any from $.70. Patricia, I guess you can do that or
not at your discretion.