Draft of LUG letter
Sebastian Rahtz
Wed, 3 Mar 1999 10:00:54 +0000 (GMT)
Arthur Ogawa writes:
> I would like to be guided by past practice here. Sebastian, with
> TL3, did not Dante, GUTenberg, and NTG pay cost? What about other
> lugs?
you can derive my adhoc calculations from the appended. I just made a
guess per LUG :-}
& No. & Paid & Invoice to\\
CSTUG & 100 &\pounds75 & Ondrej Koala Vacha,
CSTUG secretary/treasurer,
Plevova 5,
CZ-61600 Brno,
Czech Republic
\\ \hline
GUST & 250 &\pounds200&GUST, Polska Grupa Uzytkownikow Systemu TeX -- GUST,
Instytut Matematyki Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego,
ul. Wita Stwosza 57,
80-952 Gdansk,
POLAND\\ \hline
CyrTUG & 20 & \$20 \\ \hline
NTG & 320 & \\ \hline
Dante & 2000 & & DANTE e.V.,
Bergheimer Str. 110a,
D-69115 Heidelberg,
GERMANY, \\ \hline
GUTenberg & 700 & & Barbara Auzeby,
1 rue de la Vieille Butte,
Bat B - 6eme etage,
78100 St Germain en Laye,
FRANCE \\ \hline
TUGIndia & 25 & &C K Radhakrishnan,
Secretary, TUGIndia,
Kripa, TC 24/548, Sastha Gardens,
Thycaud, Trivandrum 695014, India
\\ \hline
AsTeX & 20 & &
Association AsTEX, BP 6532, 45065 Orleans cedex 2, FRANCE\\\hline
Aarhus & 20 & &
University of Aarhus,
Department of Computer Science,
att. Kaja P. Christiansen,
Ny Munkegade, Bldg. 540,
DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark \\\hline
OUCS & 20 & &
David Rischmiller,
Oxford University omputing Service, 13 Banbury Road, Oxford