[tex-k] Bug? The faster \asts solution

Bertram Scharpf info at bertram-scharpf.de
Thu Apr 13 19:00:15 CEST 2023

Hi Karl,

on Thursday, 30. Jun 2022, 16:54:55 -0600, Karl Berry wrote:
> Subject: Re: [tex-k] Bug? \epsilon vs. x
> [...]

Sorry, it's me again. This one is from the
many-dangerous-bends-section and therefore not neccessarily to be
considered a bug at all.

As far as I see, the errata don't yet discuss this subject.

On page A374, line 11, I found the faster solution for inserting a
specified number of asterisks:


However, this does not work in every situation.

In vertical mode, especially after |\par|, it produces an error
and should be prefixed by some |\leavevmode|, |\vrule width0pt|,
maybe |\indent| or |\noindent|.

At the end of a paragraph, the glue will be removed and therefore
won't produce the asterisks. Some |\vrule width0pt| or |\hbox{}|
would help.

The most reasonable solution is probably to put an |\hbox| around


As the text introducing the statement says: "into a paragraph",
that could also be understood as: not at the end of one and it
doesn't begin one. I wouldn't be surprised if this was Don's

What do you think about it?



Bertram Scharpf
Stuttgart, Deutschland/Germany

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