[tex-k] Re: vftovp strange behaviour

Patrick Gundlach texkml at contextgarden.net
Fri Jul 15 13:55:19 CEST 2005

> I am currently experiencing a strange behaviour with vftovp.

OK, I have found the problem. The error message

---not loaded, TFM file can't be opened!
---not loaded, TFM file can't be opened!

does not relate to the tfm file given on the command line

vftovp output/foo.{vf,tfm}

but to the tfm files that are referenced in the vf file by the
MAPFONT instruction: 

   (FONTNAME ec-savorg__-orig)
   (FONTNAME ec-savorg__-orig)
   (FONTAT R 800.0)

MAPFONT 0: ec-savorg__-orig at pt
---not loaded, TFM file can't be opened!
MAPFONT 1: ec-savorg__-orig at pt
---not loaded, TFM file can't be opened!

So, the bug report now is:

'The error message is misleading and vftovp returns incorrect error

and perhaps:

'vftovp relies on the referenced tfm to be found.' The other way round
seems to work fine without these referenced tfm data. Why does vftovp
rely on these files?

Thanks Taco for the answer (that let me dig deeper into the problem).


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