[tex-k] (fwd) Bug#266718: dvips: Fails to properly include fontsused both in EPS and in document

Hilmar Preusse hille42 at web.de
Tue Oct 26 09:35:36 CEST 2004

On 25.10.04 Tomas G. Rokicki (rokicki at CS.Stanford.EDU) wrote:

Hi Tomas,

> I'll spend some time investigating this during the coming weekend.
> It's definitely a defect in dvips and one that I will need to work
> on.  Essentially, as noted, dvips should *not* partially download
> any font that is used in an EPSF file but that does not contain the
> special dvips markers saying which characters in that font are
> used; dvips should include that font in full, or not include it at
> all, or fail with a fatal error.
Thanks very much for your response. Looking forward to hearing from

sigmentation fault

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