[tex-k] Bug report

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz@computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Sun, 4 Mar 2001 19:58:06 +0000

Jordi Petit i Silvestre writes:
 > I am surprised to see that bibtex breaks lines at 80 columns.
 > This never has been a problem for me untill I found tham a Latex 
 > command has been broken between lines:

it does happen, in situations like yours where you have URLs. I'd put
a space between } and {, to avoid it.
 > I will write a simple script to correct that for me, but I thought you
 > would be interested in hearing about this problem.

its a known problem. we have been waiting for a BibTeX 1.0 for about 8
years now, which might solve it :-}

I classify this as a bug in BibTeX, which tex-k is really not the right 
place  to solve
