[metapost] Metapost btex etex problem

Akira Kakuto kakuto at fuk.kindai.ac.jp
Thu Aug 1 11:17:21 CEST 2013

Dear Ralf,

> I could compile mpsimple.mp.Thus,  I obtain a file mpsimple.1! Finally!

Very glad to hear that.

> If I open this file in psv.exe I cannot see the letter A (I see only the horizontal line).
> There is a message " Error: undefined in cmmi12" at the lower right corner of psv. 
> But I assume this can be easier solved than the first issue. How can I make the font visible in psv?

prologues := 3;
to your mp source. Then used fonts are embedded and your eps can be
directly viewed by psv.


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