[metapost] glyph operator and font map files

Laurent Méhats laurent.mehats at gmail.com
Mon Dec 21 15:39:28 CET 2009


I'm trying to use the glyph operator and I'd like (a lot !) not to have to
bother about font names and font map files. Regarding font names, the
fontpart operator works just time. But I don't know how to deal with font
map files (and I'm totally ignorant about them). Would it be possible that
I create a local mpost.map or pdftex.map so that the following code will
work ? And if so ... how should I proceed ?

Best regards,
Laurent Méhats

----%<----%<---- test.mp ----%<----%<----%<----%<----%<----%<----%<----
verbatimtex %&latex

% See "http://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/info/Free_Math_Font_Survey.
% Won't find a fontmap entry:
\usepackage{ccfonts}		   % Concrete text & math
% Will work fine:
%\usepackage{ccfonts,eulervm}	   % Concrete text & Euler math
%\usepackage[math]{iwona}	   % Iwona text & math
%\usepackage[math]{kurier}	   % Kurier text & math
%\usepackage[math]{anttor}	   % Antykwa Torunska text & math
%\usepackage{kmath,kerkis}	   % Kerkis text & math
%\usepackage{fouriernc}		   % New Century Schoolbook & Fourier math
%\usepackage{pxfonts}		   % Palatino & pxfonts math
%\usepackage{mathpazo}		   % Palatino & Pazo math
%\usepackage{mathpple}		   % Palatino & Euler math
%\usepackage[varg]{txfonts}	   % Times & txfonts math
%\usepackage{mathptmx}		   % Times & Symbol math
%\usepackage{arev}		   % Arev Sans text with Arev math
%\usepackage[charter]{mathdesign}  % Bitstream Charter & Math Design math
%\usepackage[garamond]{mathdesign} % Garamond & Math Design math
%\usepackage{fourier}		   % Utopia & Fourier math
%\usepackage[utopia]{mathdesign}   % Utopia & Math Design math
% Will cause a segmentation fault:
%\usepackage{cmbright}		   % CM text & CM Bright math


for tok within (btex$\rightarrow$etex):
  draw glyph "arrowright" of (fontpart tok);

----%<----%<---- test.mp ----%<----%<----%<----%<----%<----%<----%<----

----%<----%<---- test.log ---%<----%<----%<----%<----%<----%<----%<----
This is MetaPost, version 1.208 (kpathsea version 5.0.0) (mem=mpost
2009.12.19)  21 DEC 2009 15:36
Warning: fontmap entry for `xccsy10' not found
[0] )
1 output file written: test.0
----%<----%<---- test.mp ----%<----%<----%<----%<----%<----%<----%<----

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