
The Communications of 
the TeX Users Group

TUGboat 37:3, 2016

printing press

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Complete issue 37:3 as one pdf (22mb) 
Front cover   c1 
Inside front cover   c2 
Contents ordered by difficulty   c3 
Title page   253 
Editorial information   254 
TUG Business
Institutional members   254 
General Delivery
President's note 
  Jim Hefferon      [Introductory — TUG news and initiatives seeking help]
Editorial comments 
  Barbara Beeton      [Introductory — typography and TUGboat news]
    R.I.P. Kris Rose, 1965–2016;     A book fair… and another passing;     Some typography links to follow;     Another honor for Don Knuth;     A fitting memorial for Sebastian Rahtz;     Second annual Updike Prize for student type design;     Talk by Fiona Ross
Interview with Federico Garcia-De Castro 
  David Walden 
Typographers' Inn 
  Peter Flynn      [Intermediate — dashing it off; XeLaTeX; logos]
Software & Tools
LuaTeX 1.0.0 
  Hans Hagen      [Intermediate — release of the first stable version of LuaTeX]
LuaTeX 0.82 OpenType math enhancements 
  Hans Hagen      [Advanced — increased flexibility and extensions to OpenType math handling]
Electronic Documents
Introducing LaTeX Base 
  Gareth Aye      [Introductory — web-based LaTeX editor supporting offline editing and real-time preview]
Computer Modern Roman fonts for ebooks 
  Martin Ruckert      [Intermediate — careful comparison between Metafont and other font formats for phones, laptops, etc.]
When image size matters 
  Peter Willadt      [Intermediate Plus — semi-automatic downscaling images to save space and time]
A survey of the history of musical notation 
  Werner Lemberg      [Intermediate — music notation from the earliest known to the present, across cultures, with many illustrations]
    Erratum: Figure 33 should refer to Missa L'homme armé sexti toni to indicate the specific Josquin mass.
Colorful emojis via Unicode and OpenType 
  Hans Hagen      [Introductory — Unicode now includes many emojis, and OpenType allows for coloring them]
Cowfont (koeieletters) update 
  Taco Hoekwater, Hans Hagen      [Intermediate — OpenType font with cows, sheep, math, logos, and other features]
Corrections for slanted stems in Metafont and MetaPost 
  Linus Romer      [Advanced — formulae and macros to correct stem widths and angles when slanting]
GUST e-foundry font projects 
  Bogusław Jackowski, Piotr Strzelczyk, Piotr Pianowski      [Intermediate Plus — past, present, future of Latin Modern, TeX Gyre, and more]
Localisation of TeX documents: tracklang 
  Nicola Talbot      [Intermediate Plus — distributing creation of translations for packages; simplifying use in documents]
Glisterings: Index headers; numerations; real number comparison 
  Peter Wilson 
         Fancy headers with marks; Automatic numbering; Comparing real numbers
Messing with endnotes 
  David Walden      [Intermediate Plus — small macro hacks for convenient endnote references]
Tracing paragraphs 
  Udo Wermuth      [Advanced — help from \tracingparagraphs for more pleasing documents]
Hints & Tricks
The treasure chest 
  Karl Berry      [Intermediate — new CTAN packages, April–October 2016]
An asterisk's lament 
  John Atkinson 
Die TeXnische Komödie 2–3/2016   377 
TUG Business
TUG 2017 election 
  TUG Elections committee 
TeX consulting and production services   379 
Calendar   380 

TUGboat 37:3, 2016 (issue 117)   [generated 2024-09-12]
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