{A {\TeX}-oriented research topic: Synthetic analysis on mathematical expressions and natural language} {Takuto Asakura} {Since mathematical expressions play fundamental roles in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (\acro{STEM}) documents, it is beneficial to extract meanings from formulae. Such extraction enables us to construct databases of mathematical knowledge, search for formulae, and develop a system that generates executable codes automatically. {\TeX} is widely used to write \acro{STEM} documents and provides us with a way to represent \emph{meanings} of elements in formulae in {\TeX} by macros. As a simple example, we can define a macro\\ \verb|\def\inverse#1{#1^{-1}}|,\\ and use it as \verb|$\inverse{A}$| in documents to make it clear that the expression means ``the inverse of matrix~$A$'' rather than ``value~$A$ to the power of $-1$''. Using such meaningful representations is useful in practice for maintaining document sources, as well as converting {\TeX} sources to other formal formats such as first-order logic and content markup in \MathML. However, this manner is optional and not forced by {\TeX}. As a result, many authors neglect it and write messy formulae in {\TeX} documents (even with wrong markup). To make it possible to associate elements in formulae and their meanings automatically instead of requiring it of authors, recently I began research on detecting or disambiguating the meaning for each element in formulae by conducting synthetic analyses on mathematical expressions and natural language text. In this presentation, I will show the goal of my research, the approach I'm taking, and the current status of the work.}