{Online publishing via pdf2html\acro{EX}} {Lu Wang and Wanmin Liu} {The web has long become an essential part of our lives. While web technologies have been actively developed for years, there is still a large gap between web and traditional paper publishing. For example, the \PDF\ format, the de facto standard for publishing, is not supported in the \HTML\ standard; and the most powerful typesetting system \TeX\ cannot be integrated perfectly. Despite the long history of people trying to convert \PDF\ or \TeX\ into \HTML, some are focused on only a small fraction of features, e.g.\ text, formulas or images; some are too old to support latest features in the \HTML\ standard such as embedded fonts or linear transformations (e.g.\ rotation); some display everything in images at the cost of larger sizes. In this article, a new approach is attempted to attack this issue. We introduce an open source software package, called pdf2html\acro{EX}, which is a general \PDF\ to \HTML\ converter with high fidelity. It tries to present \PDF\ elements with corresponding native \HTML\ elements, in order to achieve high accuracy and small size. The flexible design also makes it useful for different use cases in online publishing. Obviously \TeX\ users can immediately benefit with zero learning cost, just as with \code{dvipdf} while people were still commonly using \DVI. More information is available at the home page: \url{https://github.com/coolwanglu/pdf2htmlex}. }