{\TeX\ Live Manager's rare gems: User mode and multiple repository support} {Norbert Preining} {The \TeX\ Live Manager (\texttt{tlmgr}) is responsible for the management of a \TeX\ Live installation. It can be used to search for packages, do the usual package management (install, update, remove, backup). In the last couple of releases, two more features are available that have been requested for a long time: \emph{user mode} and \emph{multiple repository support}. In user mode, instead of managing the system tree's and installation, \texttt{tlmgr} can be used to manage an arbitrary \texttt{texmf} tree, for example the user's \texttt{TEXMFHOME} (which is also the default). Although full functionality is not possible in user mode, the basic operations of package installation, removal, and updates can be handled by any user without requiring write permission to any system trees. Multiple repository support was introduced to allow for easy handling of additional repositories of \TeX\ Live packages. A few of them have come into existence (\code{tlcontrib}, \code{tlcritical}, \code{tlptexlive}, Korean support, \ldots), but before now one had to update packages one by one from these repositories. With multiple repositories this has been made a bit more convenient. We will give detailed explanation of the workings of these two features, including live demonstrations, and finish with some words of caution. }