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PDF presentations using the Marslide package

Macquarie University, Sydnewy, NSW, Australia

Abstract: The Marslide package is useful for creating high quality PDF presentation slides, especially when mathematics is required. It works equally well with both pdf-LATEX and LATEX+dvips+distill methods for generating documents in PDF format.

The package does not of itself provide a lot of new functionality; rather it combines the use of existing packages in a consistent way, solving problems of compatibility and loading-order. With such problems solved, the full power of packages such as hyperref, texpower, geometry and everyshi can be exploited fully, to produce presentation slides that rival, indeed surpass, what can be achieved with other tools. Example styles, some using elegant Adobe or TrueType fonts, will be shown.

Some new sub-packages are included to make it easy to use alternative fonts (in particular Lucida for mathematics), and to place background images on every page. An extended option-loading mechanism allows for arbitrary extension of the package, and customised document styles.

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