[Xy-pic] and again: problems with brackets for \xymatrix diagrams

Roger Hart rhart at mail.utexas.edu
Tue Mar 13 01:03:06 CET 2007

I am admittedly very embarrassed to be sending a third message today  
to this relatively quiet list on this same subject, but even so, I'm  
more embarrassed to acknowledge that I spent much of today doing  
little more than just trying to add brackets to diagrams I'd thought  
were already finished; and believe me, I would be considerably more  
embarrassed to try to explain to my tenure committee -- especially  
since I'm in a history department -- exactly how I spend my time! So  
please forgive me ...

In any case, I found that Ross Moore posted a wonderful solution to  
drawing brackets for matrices to this list on March 27, 2006:

> \newcommand{\circled}[1]{\xybox{*+[Fo]{\scriptstyle#1}}}
> \newcommand{\labelrow}[1]{%
> \POS "#1,1"!L!D(.6),*+++{},\ar@{.}+/l1.5cm/*+!R!D(.4){\circled{#1}} 
> \POS}
> \def\xylbrack{\save="here",+UL+/l3pt/*@_{|},\ar@{-}"here"+DL+/ 
> l3pt/,*@_{|}\restore}
> \def\xyrbrack{\save="here",+UR+/r3pt/*@_{|},\ar@{-}"here"+DR+/ 
> r3pt/,*@_{|}\restore}
> \def\xybrack{\xylbrack \xyrbrack\POS}
> \[
> \begin{xy}
> *!C\xybox{\xymatrix{
> 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & -1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0
> }\POS!C,\xybrack \labelrow{1} \labelrow{2} \labelrow{3}%
> ,"3,5"+/r.5cm/,\ar@/_3ex/"1,5"+/r.5cm/_{\circled{1}\,-\,\circled{3}}
> }\end{xy}
> \]

Unfortunately, this breaks the arrows between my two \xymatrix  
diagrams, described in my previous messages. Presumably the problem  
is the \xybox{}. I've experimented with different solutions, but it  
is difficult enough for me to try to follow what Ross did, much less  
modify it.

Again, I would very much appreciate any assistance in answering what  
I realize are relatively elementary questions,



Roger Hart
Assistant Professor, Departments of History and Asian Studies
University of Texas at Austin

office: Room 470, Burdine Hall
office phone: 512-475-7258
department fax: 512-475-7222
email: rhart at mail.utexas.edu


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