[XeTeX] XeTeX and PDF Forms

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Wed Feb 6 14:47:45 CET 2008

Am 06.02.2008 um 12:56 schrieb Will Robertson:

> Or TextEdit for those that like mouses :)
>   open -e ~/Library/TeXShop/Engines/XeLaTeXx.engine

The latter does not guarantee that TextEdit is used. You can set  
another application to handle "engine" files.

Besides this issue of uncertainty, also for the encoding in which the  
file might be saved (if the last line does not have a final LINE FEED  
character as with some Mac encoding, this last line, i.e. the whole  
shell script will not execute), you can't use TextEdit or any other  
Mac OS X application to modify any file owned by the root or super- 
user inside the TeX distribution.

If people are not willing to learn vi or vim or GNU Emacs, they  
should at least know that nano and pico exist for simple tasks like  
the one I described this morning. And that they are quite easy to use  
in Terminal.



A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.
				– Doug Larson

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