[Tugindia] pl help : problem in using xetex/xelatex

aniruddha rumale asrumale at rediffmail.com
Mon Feb 18 09:37:07 CET 2013

but its not working
on my system
may be some error ...
thanks for the reply

Aniruddha Subhashchandra Rumale

Mobile : 9890177859

Flat No. GA, Shriram Complex,

Amarsimha colony, Malegaon-bk

Baramati, Pune 413115 ( MH ) India

great people are those who cares to respond in genuine and gental way. and this is the only reason that your e-mail address is with me.

thanks for your every response; that you showered

on my e-mails.   


From: gauri gupta <gauri2180 at gmail.com>
Sent: Mon, 18 Feb 2013 12:49:32 
To: TUGIndia Mailing List <tugindia at tug.org>
Subject: Re: [Tugindia] pl help : problem in using xetex/xelatex
hi ,

 i tried your code with xelatex. just removed the "usepackage {array}" and

it worked perfectly fine.

if at all u need to use usepackage{array} you have to change the order of

it placement, may be keeping it in the end should be fine. sometimes when

working with xelatex or xetex there are package conflicts mostly resolved

by changing their position in the document.

hope it works for u.

all the best.

Gauri Gupta

Asst. Prof.

Dept. of BME,

SGSITS, Indore

On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 8:53 AM, aniruddha rumale

<asrumale at rediffmail.com>wrote:

> dear friends

> I just tried to run the following code using xetex. I am having MikTeX

> 2.945 on my system

> on compilation it just won't recognized the article class. code and log is

> given below.



> % code adapted from tex.stackexchange for first compilation

> \documentclass[12pt]{article}

> \usepackage{fontspec}

> \usepackage{array}

> % \setmainfont[Script=Devanagari]{Sanskrit 2003}

> % \setmainfont[Script=Devanagari]{Mangal}

> \setmainfont[Script=Devanagari]{Arial Unicode MS}

> \usepackage[margin=2.5cm]{geometry}

> \usepackage{longtable}

> \usepackage{setspace}

> \begin{document}

> \setcounter{secnumdepth}{-1}

> \begin{singlespace}

> \begin{center}

> \section{{\huge ॥ प्रथदreg;ः\ सर्गः\ -\ श्रीभार्गवावतारोपक्रदreg;ः ॥}}

> \parbox{90mm}{Let's see if this is aligned properly.} \\

> \parbox{90mm}{And this line as well.} \\

> \parbox{90mm}{सीतारादreg;यशोदreg;ञ्जुदreg;ुक्तादreg;ोददreg;ुदं दreg;ुदे} \\

> \parbox{90mm}{वन्दे वाग्देवतानादreg;्नीं दreg;रालीं दreg;ानसाश्रयादreg;्} \\

> \fontsize{14}{16}\selectfont

> \begin{longtable}{p{90mm}l}

> सीतारादreg;यशोदreg;ञ्जुदreg;ुक्तादreg;ोददreg;ुदं दreg;ुदे &amp; । \\[0mm]

> वन्दे वाग्देवतानादreg;्नीं दreg;रालीं दreg;ानसाश्रयादreg;् &amp; ॥ १ ॥ \\[0mm]

> प्रत्यूहव्यूहशैवोहाहारहारस्रगच्युत- &amp; । \\[0mm]

> ध्वजं वार्षध्वजं वन्दे हेरदreg;्बं बुद्धिवल्लभदreg;् &amp; ॥ २ ॥ \\[0mm]

> वन्दे वन्दारुवृन्दानां पारिजातपदादreg;्बुजौ &amp; । \\[0mm]

> प्रभाभानू इवाभिन्नौ भवानीभूतभावनौ &amp; ॥ ०copy; ॥ \\[0mm]

> \end{longtable}

> \end{center}

> \end{singlespace}

> \end{document}

> &nbsp;

> I get message like following when compiling with xetex/xelatex on console

> output

> I am using TexWorks editor of MikTeX for editing and compilation

> This is XeTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.3-0.9997.5 (MiKTeX 2.9)

> R

> miktex-xetex.exe: The memory dump file could not be found.

> miktex-xetex.exe: Data: xetex.fmt

> &nbsp;

> please help me on how to use xetex/xelatex

> &nbsp;

> Aniruddha Subhashchandra RumaleMobile : 9890177859Flat No. GA, Shriram

> Complex,Amarsimha colony, Malegaon-bkBaramati, Pune 413115 ( MH )

> Indiagreat people are those who cares to respond in genuine and gental way.

> and this is the only reason that your e-mail address is with me.thanks for

> your every response; that you showeredon my e-mails. asrumale

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