[Tugindia] Headers formatting doesn't apply to frontmatter.

Panagiotis Nezis pnezis at gmail.com
Thu Dec 28 12:11:40 CET 2006


  I have two questions,

a)  I am using the fancyhdr package, in order to format the headings in my
thesis. The problem is that the customizations are not applied on the
frontmatter. I use the following code :

% headers formatting
\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{Chapter\ \thechapter\ -\ #1}{}}
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{Section\ \thesection\ -\ #1}{}}

While on the mainmatter the headings have the desirable format, on the
frontmatter the headings are still capitalized. How could i change this?

b)  Is there any way to change the way the frontmatter of a book is
numbered? LaTeX uses by default Latin lower case numbers. I would like to
use Greek numbers. Any hint?


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