[Tugindia] Colour printing: Professional quality

H S Rai hsraidce at iitr.ernet.in
Thu Jun 10 18:00:12 CEST 2004

Today at 3:59pm +0530 Amitabh Trehaan wrote:

>   Of course, thats what is regularly done. I beileve the package color 
>   allows  you to create your colour using CMYK besides RGB. Once you 
>   define them and convert into postscript it is actually the matter of 
>   what level of professional printing equipment you have to get the final 
>   result.

My doubt arises from last paragraph of section 9.5.1 on page 348 of
"The LaTeX Graphics Companion" by Goossens, Rahtz, and Mittelbach,
which is reproduced here:

       ... we strongly suggest that readers take
       professional advice before embarking on large-scale
       full color projects with LaTeX ... user who need
       relatively simple color printing ( 2 color book )
       can do very well without recourse to commercial
       software ...
The above paragraph make me to view that for complex printing,
commercial softwares are the only solution.       

H.S.Rai    http://www.grex.org/~hsrai | Registered Linux User # 223684

####[ GNU/Linux One Stanza Tip (LOST) ]#######################

Sub : How to make a password [#2]                    LOST #287

Wondering how to make a safe password ? Use mkpasswd.  This is
normally standard in all distros. This will produce  an unique
8 letter password with minimum 2 digits and 3 letters in upper
case: $mkpasswd -l 8 -d 2 -C 3

####[philip.tellis (at) iname.com]############################

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