[Tugindia] Changing default font size

Radhakrishnan CV cvr at river-valley.org
Tue Jun 17 05:33:06 CEST 2003

>>>>> "Sasi" == V Sasi Kumar <vsasi at vsnl.com> writes:


    >> \let\chaptername\relax

    Sasi> When I did this, the word Chapter disappeared, but the
    Sasi> number remained.  This would have been okay if I could align
    Sasi> it with the name of the chapter.

You might need to tweak the \chapter macros for this which is
difficult for a new user.  However, you might take a look at the
memoir.cls (available at CTAN) which has exhaustive documentation too.

memoir.cls provides all the bells and whistles that are required by a
new user (especially those who migrate from word processors).  It is
extremely flexible to offer five different types of chapter style (of
course you can extend this further), font changes of anything at any
time, header-footer manipulation, various space control, paragraphs
with extended/reduced margins, lists control, float placement options,
crop marks, trim size specification and myriad other facilities.  The
great point about memoir is that all these can be accomplished at the
document level which is all the more important for any user and need
not see the macros at all.


    >> \def\chaptername{<your_string>}

    Sasi> I found this to be an interesting option. It permitted you
    Sasi> to call the chapter something else!

There are several such variables that can be changed by redefinition:

 \figurename     ==> string that appear in the fig caption (usuall
 \tablename      ==> the same for table (Table)
 \contentsname   ==> chapter heading for table of contents (Contents)
 \abstractname   ==> for abstracts (Abstract)
 \listfigurename ==> heading for list of figures (List of Figures)
 \listtablename  ==> heading for list of tables  (List of Tables)
 \refname        ==> heading for Bibliography/References (References)
 \indexname      ==> heading for index (Index)
 \appendixname   ==> string for appendices just like Chapter

So when you start writing macros in TeX (sure, you'll do it soon),
take care to define and use similar variables so that your users will
have the flexibility and freedom of changing them at any point.



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