[Tugindia] Chemistry ?

Sridhar M.A. mas at uomphysics.net
Fri Jul 25 21:23:47 CEST 2003

On Fri, Jul 25, 2003 at 10:37:38AM +0100, Dileep Padinjarae Vengasseri wrote:
   > Yes, the simplest method is to use a chemical
   > structure drawing program and export the file to eps
   > and then include that particular file using
   > includegraphics. The chemical structures can be made
   > in any of the previously mentioned linux packages.
   > Most of them are in there initial stages. If you are a
   > windows user you can as well use Chemdraw.
But, Chemdraw costs a lot and is Windows only. I have used xdrawchem and
did not find anything serious to label it 'initial stage' program. May
be my use is limited to a subset of its functionality. What
are the problems that you have faced to come to such a conclusion? Am
interested to know.


Sridhar M.A.

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