[Tugindia] clarification on edef

Manoj Kummini tugindia@tug.org
Fri, 10 Jan 2003 06:03:30 +0000 (GMT)

 --- "Baskaran.K" <baskaran@sps.co.in> wrote: \
> \def\kk{lllll}
> \def\aa#1{\edef\kk{\kk#1,}}
> \aa{aa}
> \aa{bb}
> \aa{cc}
> \aa{dd}
> \kk===>output is  ``llll,aa,bb,cc,dd,''

You will not get the comma between `llll' and `aa' with the above
code. To put a comma there and to remove the comma, use


With regards,

Manoj Kummini
12 deg 58 min N, 77 deg 35 min E

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