[tldoc] TL'08 documentation

Staszek Wawrykiewicz staw at gust.org.pl
Sun Jul 13 01:41:35 CEST 2008

On Sat, 12 Jul 2008, Karl Berry wrote:

> Well, it's finally getting to be time to think about the documentation
> updates for TeX Live 2008.  There are a fair number of changes this
> year, since we're introducing a new installer and package manager.
> Siep has been working on the English version, and I hope we'll be ready
> to give it over for translation updates in a few more days.
> The main reason I'm writing now is to see if we need to recruit more
> translators.  So if the timing is bad and you know you won't be able to
> work on it quickly, please let me know.

OK, I'm here. Some notes:
1. can we have again live.tex in one file? It is more easy to make diffs
   (especially for the final corrections, when things will change every 
   day) and also make global changes (like removing references to obsolete 
   things, etc.)
2. As I see, part 4.1 (install-pkg.sh) still remains.
3. windows.tex is excluded at the moment, but I think that we can still
   use some good subsections:
   a) Support packages for Windows
   b) Adding your own packages to the installation (not all, and this part
      would be OK to general notes, not only for win32)
   c) What's different in Windows?
   d) Personal configuration
   e) Tips and tricks for Win32

Karl, should I start to reorganize that (with my poor English:-)
or have I rather to start with only Polish translation?
All the best,

Staszek Wawrykiewicz
StaW at gust.org.pl

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