[texhax] Lwarp update

Brian Dunn BD at bdtechconcepts.com
Thu Apr 21 14:49:51 CEST 2016

Lwarp now supports XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX, floatrow and friends, and mdframed 
with support for mdframed environments and theorems, frame and title border 
thickness, rounded corners, shadows, and almost all the color options.  I 
debated leaving mdframed colors to CSS, but having LaTeX directly set them 
allows the colors in the HTML document to exactly match the colors of the PDF 
document with no further user intervention.

The next major hurdle will be TDS file directory support, which will require 
some investigation to figure out where to put the various utility scripts, 
then perhaps a CTAN upload.  (I suspect that I missed the TexLive 2016 cutoff 

I think there will be a way to break apart the monolithic structure of the 
package into a number of small files, one per package being emulated or 
supported.  This would require intercepting \usepackage and loading the lwarp 
version if it exists and if HTML is being generated.  Doing so would clean up 
the user's preamble, and help provide any eventual support for ODT or other 
output options.


Brian Dunn
BD Tech Concepts LLC
bd at BDTechConcepts.com

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