[texhax] Seeking Advice

Bob Tennent rdt at cs.queensu.ca
Fri Jul 17 19:39:03 CEST 2015

 >|My name is Steve McKinley, and I am a faculty member
 >|in the math department at Indiana University. I am
 >|working on producing a new edition of a math textbook
 >|with two professors in our department. Unfortunately,
 >|the publisher has given us Latex files that contain
 >|the manuscript of the previous edition, but the code
 >|is outdated and we are unable to compile the book
 >|effectively (we get hundreds of errors, all dealing with
 >|issues related to font creation).

Please post the lines of the preamble having to do
with fonts and the first error message. Also, what TeX
distribution are you using and does the main file start with
\documentclass or \documentstyle?

Bob T.

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