[texhax] Recommended "document class" for legal documents

Philip TAYLOR P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Wed Jan 16 20:42:21 CET 2013

Karl Berry wrote:

> a lot of effort has been expended to create the "topics" on CTAN.

Intrigued, I browsed "topics", tried "b for books",
followed the link to "book-src – source of a pub­lished book",
thence to "TeXbook : The source of the TeXbook", and
tried to follow the link from "Li­cense : Li­censes that
pre­vent dis­tri­bu­tion".  Sadly it went nowhere (or, to be
more precise, went to "http://ctan.org/pkg/texbook",
which is where I already was.  Where should it have gone ?

Philip Taylor

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