[texhax] macro expansion and \input

Neal H. Walfield neal at walfield.org
Mon Oct 1 11:34:57 CEST 2012


I have a number of generated files containing latex snippets.  So far,
I've include them in my document using \input.  But, to make life a
bit easier, I want to use a macro to generate the full filenames on
the fly.  This is resulting in some macro expansion issues, which I
don't understand.  The following is what I want to do:

  % My general-purpose macro.

But, this results in:

  ! Missing control sequence inserted.
  <inserted text> 
  l.11 \input{\mutate{23}}

It seems like \input is protecting its input from expansion.
Interestingly, simple expansion, such as the following, works fine:





Based on this observation, I tried to preexpand \input's argument:

  % My general-purpose macro.


But, this results in a different error:

  ! Undefined control sequence.
  \mutate #1-> \def \helper 
                            {#1} \helper 
  l.16   \myinput{\mutate{23}}
When expanding \filename, tex wants expands \mutate's \helper control
sequence rather than define it!

Now, I'm stuck and would welcome some help...



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