[texhax] *** GMX Spamverdacht *** LOF

Susan Dittmar Susan.Dittmar at gmx.de
Tue Jan 31 11:31:39 CET 2012

Quoting Clifford Weil (weil at math.msu.edu):
> Friends,
> I've received word that the Graduate School at Michigan State  
> University will begin requiring that every entry in the LOF must be  
> the ENTIRE caption of the figure, including the word, "Figure". Since  
> the construction of the LOF seems to be hardwired into the LaTeX  
> kernel, I don't see how I will be able to do this. Any ideas?

Another idea, just spurting it out without any looking up of details (which
would be rather futile without knowing more about the class and packages
you are using):

There are language specific definitions of the text used instead of
'Figure' (perhaps you need babel for that). You might use the appropriate
command to redefine that to the empty string (\renewcommand{\figurename}{},
though I do not not know if \figurename is the correct command; that
depends on the class and packages you are loading).

Then you would have to redefine how figure numbers are shown. You would
have to look up how it's difined now, then add the word Figure. Something
like \renewcommand{\thefigure}{Figure \thesection.\arabic{figure}}.

Possibly you would have to prepend some commands to this macro definition
to make up for the introduced white space (as a result of the empty figure
name). I do not know how flexibly this figure name stuff is coded.

Hope that helps,


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