[texhax] enumerate and subsections with XeLaTeX and Hebrew

Vafa Khalighi vafakhlgh at gmail.com
Mon Mar 7 12:46:12 CET 2011

> Thanks. Do you expect the problem will be found somewhere in
> polyglossia.sty then? Is there some way to ask xetex to give me more
> detailed debugging info?
I meant that this problem is caused by polyglossia (say gloss-hebrew.ldf),
so it is better to report the issue to the author of polyglossia.
If some one say: "You divide ten into two parts: multiply the one by itself;
it will be equal to the other taken eighty-one times." Computation: You say,
ten less thing, multiplied by itself, is a hundred plus a square less twenty
things, and this is equal to eighty-one things. Separate the twenty things
from a hundred and a square, and add them to eighty-one. It will then be a
hundred plus a square, which is equal to a hundred and one roots. Halve the
roots; the moiety is fifty and a half. Multiply this by itself, it is two
thousand five hundred and fifty and a quarter. Subtract from this one
hundred; the remainder is two thousand four hundred and fifty and a quarter.
Extract the root from this; it is forty-nine and a half. Subtract this from
the moiety of the roots, which is fifty and a half. There remains one, and
this is one of the two parts.

*Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī*
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