[texhax] What is a TeXpätzer?

Jeff Barnett jbbrus at comcast.net
Wed Feb 16 02:20:20 CET 2011

On 2/15/2011 6:05 PM, Philipp Stephani wrote:
> Hello,
> I’ve read the interview with Herb Schulz (http://tug.org/interviews/schulz.html), and noticed that he considers himself a TeXpätzer. Now what is that? A Google search for “TeXpätzer” returns exactly one page – the interview itself…
The term, "patzer", with various spellings is used to mean a chess 
player who is really into the game but is not a great player. I presume, 
TeXpatzer is a play on chess argot. Of course, patzer may be a regular 
word in some language or another.
Jeff Barnett

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