[texhax] Converting from .doc to .tex including styles conversion.

Gordon Haverland ghaverla at materialisations.com
Wed Apr 27 14:34:00 CEST 2011

On April 27, 2011, Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:
> Uwe Lueck wrote:
> > "Andrew K"<andriiko1 at yahoo.com>  wrote 06.04.2011 10:11:59:
> >> I've got a Microsoft Word document with different styles of
> >> text in it (like Definition, Important, etc.). Is there a
> >> converter, which can convert styles to LaTeX from Word?
> Well ...
> I tried to create such a document, and found that neither
> "Definition" nor "Important" are pre-existing styles, so I
> created such styles and then marked up some sample text
> accordingly.  I then saved it as XML. There is little doubt
> that the XML captures the markup used, but I would hate to
> have to be the person to write the XSLT to convert it to TeX. 
> OTOH, I'm sure it's possible, if you have sufficient
> determination :-)

I suspect the perl module OpenOffice::OODoc might be up to do 
this.  OpenOffice/LibreOffice seems reasonably able to read a .doc 
file, and save it as its own .odt format, which is well 
documented.  I don't know if things like Python or Ruby might have 
similar ability to read/write/alter .odt files.

Personally, I am using this perl module to read files which 
consist of a header that is a 10-15 line table, and a body which 
is one big table.  All the files were originally .doc files.


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