[texhax] Problem Inserting Graphic from PDF Source

Stephen Bishop sbishop33 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 15:32:33 CEST 2011

Hello everyone,

This is my first time posting to this list. I hope there is a simple answer
to my problem.

 I'm using MikTex 2.9 with TexWorks and trying to insert a PDF file into my
document as an image using the \includegraphics command. The displays fine
the first time it is compiled, but subsequently displays as narrow black
line at the top of the page in the PDF output. The only way I can see the
image is to exit TexWorks and restart the application and the same thing
occurs again:  it displays one time then the black line. When this first
happened, there was a message in the console that an internal buffer
overflow had occured, but that message no longer appears. The PDF file size
is only 13 kb. It was created by printing a page of a report in Crystal
Reports to a PDF file using the Adobe driver. I have tried this on two
machines. One, at work, runs Windows XP and my laptop runs Windows 7 64 bit
version. The same output occurs on both machines. I tried inserting another
PDF file (64 kb) to test the process and it works fine.

Can anyone help with this problem?


Stephen Bishop
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