[texhax] vertical placement of symbols

E. Krishnan ekmath at asianetindia.com
Tue May 5 01:27:39 CEST 2009

On Mon, 4 May 2009, Zbigniew Nitecki wrote:

> To create the symbol for composition of functions, I have the following code
>> \newcommand{\compose}{{\scriptstyle \circ}}% composition symbol
>> \newcommand{\comp}[2]{\ensuremath{#1\compose #2}}% composition by function 
>> name
> This works fine, except that the circle is not vertically centered---it is 
> too low.  How do I adjust it?

There seems to be nothing wrong with the \emph{vertical} positioning of 
the \compose, but the \emph{horizontal} spacing between the operation and 
the operands not very correct, since \compose is not defined to be a 
binary operator. The modification

     \mathbin{\scriptstyle \circ}}

should do the trick.


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