[texhax] MikTex Package

Uwe Lück uwe.lueck at web.de
Sun Feb 8 22:03:16 CET 2009

At 14:07 08.02.09, Axel E. Retif wrote:
>On  7 Feb, 2009, at 22:21, chandrasekhar s wrote:
> > That day when i enquired about the MikTex package installation you
> > gave me a big note which i am unable to understand. Anyhow i have some
> > doubts now: I went to the MikTex browse packages option and then i
> > searched for the mnsymbol package.It was not installed. I right
> > clicked to give the installationbut the speed which it downloading is
> > very slow. Already i had downloaded the package from CTAN.
> >
> > Now i went to the change repository option and then gave the command
> > of installing package from a directory. But its always showing that
> > this is not a repository option. Can i improve on this so as to
> > install the package by hand.
>Unfortunately, I don't know how to install packages in MiKTeX, but I
>know MiKTeX lets you choose from a long list of servers to upgrade or
>download packages ---if some server is very slow, try another.

Working with MiKTeX may be painful in the beginning, but with some patience 
and trust in MiKTeX as well as in your guessing you will become friends 
with MiKTeX -- this is my experience. Sometimes the bar showing the 
progress of a task doesn't work and you don't know for a while whether 
MiKTeX is working or hang-up ... sometimes it is fine after some minutes, 
otherwise try again ... as with so many other machines and ... I wonder 
what will happen if I remind of the patience and trust of a, say, ... bus 
driver ...

As Axel says, MiKTeX offers you to choose among server repositories, and 
you will certainly find one which works.

To remind of what Philip Ratcliffe remarked earlier, there is a special 
mailing list for MiKTeX users:

     <mailto:miktex-users-request at lists.sourceforge.net?subject=subscribe>

HTH -- Uwe.

-- Uwe. 
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