[texhax] where \section{} \subsection ... names are stored ? if they are :)

Uwe Lueck uwe.lueck at web.de
Tue Nov 4 18:26:39 CET 2008

"£ukasz" <blurrpp at yahoo.com> schrieb am 04.03.2008 17:22:44:
> I want to use section name inside text. If I write
> \section{First section} I guess that text between
> bracked is stored somewhere ( toks,box etc). I want to
> get it without redefining \section or other less
> "natural" manipulations. Just short question before i
> start to read \section definision ... where is it
> ???:)

Sorry, the name isn't stored anywhere by default 
(apart from job.aux or job.toc where it won't be easier to get from). 
A natural way getting it may be the nameref package 
(belonging to hyperref, I think).


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