[texhax] Punctuation around inline diagrams

Nina Mazumdar nina.mazumdar at gmail.com
Sat Jul 5 08:21:25 CEST 2008

On Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 7:57 AM, Andy Farnell <padawan12 at obiwannabe.co.uk> wrote:
> Sorry Axel, I put that rather badly. What I mean is, I'm after
> a general solution. It's at that stage (40+ chapters, 600 pages)
> where I can't (reasonably) go through looking for every instance
> of an object being too close to a line end. And if I make any edits
> it may change.
> I guess what I want to say in TeX is:
> IF we just processed an object image AND the next char is a [comma,
> period, colon or semicolon] AND it's at the end of a line
> THEN temporarily make the penalty for putting the [comma,
> period, colon or semicolon] on a new line very high.
> Is that sort of thing possible to specify as a rule with document
> wide scope?


and the definition may be modified to read:

\raisebox{-1pt}{\includegraphics[angle=0, scale=0.6]%

\xspace will check for next character and if it is a punctuation, will
not insert a space, otherwise a space will be inserted.

Do we need an \enspace inside the box? Will it not inhibit breaking?
Guess, \space at the beginning will be the best option.

Happy TeXing and best regards


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