[texhax] Question concerning LaTex

Joshua Spizman jspizma1 at binghamton.edu
Tue Jan 2 20:21:51 CET 2007


    I am currently running WinEdt/MiKTex.  I have to use some of my own 
style files.  I was wondering if there is a default place that Miktex 
looks for style files so I can just put the ones I use there instead of 
creating multiple copies in different folders for the different 
documents I write.  I tried using the package manager and this is very 
helpful except whenever I use it, it asks me to install a package called 
'latex2html'  and this then creates links within my document for all 
references I make.  I also would like to disable this and can't seem to 
figure out how to do that either.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Josh Spizman
PhD Student, SUNY-Binghamton

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