[texhax] Indentation in tables

Philip G. Ratcliffe philip.ratcliffe at uninsubria.it
Wed Dec 13 16:12:10 CET 2006

> I have a table (actually it is a small questionnaire), where I want 
> the text in the leftmost column to be flush with the left margin in 
> the document.  I have turned off the indentation with the command:
> \setlength{\parindent}{0pt}
> Which works for the rest, but that has no effect in the "tabular" 
> environment.  How do I do that?

The space you're seeing is the non-zero \tabcolsep or \arraycolsep, that is
the space between columns in tables or arrays.

One solution is to set it to zero but then the columns will touch each
other. The other solution is something like


The @{} replace the normal spacing (anything inside the {} is used instead).

Cheers,  Phil Ratcliffe

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