[texhax] Turning off bad box messages

Yuri Robbers yuri.robbers at gmail.com
Wed Aug 23 22:52:33 CEST 2006

Hi Chris,

On 8/23/06, Chris Bergstresser <chris at subtlety.com> wrote:
> On 8/22/06, Tom Schneider <toms at ncifcrf.gov> wrote:
> > >    I'm writing a package which has to put a lot of stuff in specific
> > > places on a page, and TeX is proving to be near impossible to work
> > > with.
> >
> > One way is to use pstricks.  With the appropriate commands you can set
> > up a nice coordinate system and then place whatever you want whereever
> > you want.
>    It seems like this is a better way to go than trying to recreate
> the forms I'm trying to fill in.  I can include the background form as
> an image and place text in the specific places on top.
>    Unfortunately, pstricks only works with DVI output, not PDF.  And
> I'm using the graphicsx package and .png graphics files, so I need a
> different way of placing text in specific locations.
>    Anyone know of a package that will do this, that's compatible with
> PDF output?

There is pdftricks at CTAN://macros/latex/contrib/pdftricks/ which allows
PSTricks (or at least a lot of it) to work nicely with pdflatex. Just
install pdftricks if your TeX-installation doesn't have it yet (most do, I
think), and include pdftricks with a


instead of including the pstricks packages the usual way, include all of
them within a special environment, like this:


And make sure you put each pspicture environment _inside_  a pdfpic
environment, along with any other macros. See the documentation for more

This way you can still make use of pdflatex, which may be necessary
depending on your purpose or other packages you may be using, and yet make
use of the advantages PSTricks offer for your specific purpose.

Good luck,

-- Chris
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