[texhax] extra space inserted in \legend

Paul Tremblay phthenry at iglou.com
Sun Apr 16 05:25:34 CEST 2006

Can anyone tell me why extra space is getting inserted in the
following \legend at the bottom of my table?

{\bfseries Year} & {\bfseries Number of Chain Store Companies} &
{\bfseries Number of Chain Store Units}\tabularnewline \hline
{1900} & {25} & {226}\tabularnewline \hline
{1910} & {125} & {1,127}\tabularnewline \hline
{1920} & {553} & {15,568}\tabularnewline \hline
{1930} & {1478} & {69,534}\tabularnewline \hline
\setlength{\abovecaptionskip }{5pt}
\setlength{\belowcaptionskip }{5pt}
\captionstyle{\flushleft }\legend{Table 3.1: Chain Store Growth in the
early twentieth century\textsuperscript{5}}

If I use the same exact markup with other tables, the \legend puts in
much less space. The other tables seem identical: they all use
\tabular and put the \legend at the bottom. In all of them a regular
paragraph follows. 




*Paul Tremblay         *
*phthenry at iglou.com    *

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