[texhax] single column flow with long marginal notes and leader

Stuart Jansen sjansen at gurulabs.com
Sun Mar 13 00:47:28 CET 2005

I'm trying to figure out how to create marginal notes connected
by a leader to the first line of the paragraph to which they refer. In
some cases, the marginal note will be taller than the paragraph it
references, but when they aren't, I'd like to stack tightly to avoid
excessive whitespace. Something like this:

Is the following even possible using TeX or LaTeX?


paragraph one with some text -------------- a marginal
                                            note over
paragraph two with only one line of text    three lines

paragraph three with some text that wraps - another note
onto a second line                          that takes
                                            three lines

paragraph four that shifts down because --- a note
it also has a marginal note


Stuart Jansen <sjansen at gurulabs.com>
Guru Labs, L.C.
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