[texhax] selecting chapters from book through dviselect

Pavel Minev Penev pavpen at berkeley.edu
Wed Mar 31 02:48:48 CEST 2004

On Mon, Mar 29, 2004 at 10:44:15AM +0200, Giuseppe G. N. Angilella wrote:
> Thanks, Robin.
> > doesn't even consider dviselect (___old___ technology).  since you're
> > using book class, i'ld go for the simplest of them all, \includeonly
> I am aware of that solution, but that would imply editing the latex file 
> once for each chapter, and adjusting the arguments of \includeonly 
> accordingly.
> I am rather looking for an automated procedure (e.g. through a Makefile),
> that I can use each time I make a correction or an addition to my notes,
> if you see what I mean.

Version each chapter (\usepackage{version}) in addition to \chapter'ing.
Then `grep` to collect all versions, and invoke LaTeX with a different
\includeversion each time (you can put a LaTeX statement as the first
argument to `latex`).


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