[tex-live] Tlmgr closing takes fairly long

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Thu Jun 2 05:07:27 CEST 2016

Hi Bernhard, (and everyone who is running TL on Windows)

I have tested this now and I see a similar behaviour, although not
as slow as on your side.

BUT, I see a very fast shutdown when I do *not* load the remote tlpdb.
I am not sure whether this depends on rather minimal installation
I am testing on Windows or something else.

Can you please start the gui, and then simply exit it again without
loading hte remote dbs. Is it a fast or slow finish?

And before I hear the answer - here my theory: Loading the 3000 packages
and displaying them creates a lot of Tk instances in the table. They
need all be destroyed, this happens automatically in the background,
but it seems to take quite some time on Windows.

ANyway, if those with a *full* TL installation could do the above
test I would be happy.



PREINING Norbert + TeX Live & Debian Developer + http://www.preining.info
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